Founded in January 2005, we registered the business as a limited company on the 5th February 2005. Authentic are independent energy advisors, trainers and auditors.
- Our credo: The greenest and most profitable energy, is the energy you do not use – AEMS 2006.
- Principal consultant: Conor Molloy, MSc (Energy), CEM (AEE), CMVP(IPMVP), CEMP (ISO50001).
In 2007 or thereabouts we figured businesses want to make money and no shade of green or amount of CO2 savings was going to change that, so working with a LEO funded consultant we came up with “Manage Energy for profit & planet”.

In theory at least, if energy is 10% of your business costs, a 10% reduction in energy use is 1% extra profit. We show you how to significantly reduce your business energy use, and thus increase your profit.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the primary green house gas (GHG). Emissions of CO2 are directly related to your burning of fossil fuels. A 10% reduction in fuel use is a 10% reduction in your GHG emissions and impact on the planet.
Even your web-site can be calculated for CO2, here’s ours.
As each tonne of CO2 lasts 100-300 years in the atmosphere your reductions will benefit you, your children and your grand children.
- Why choose AEMS? Helping business “manage energy for profit” since 2005: See what our clients say.
- Who are AEMS? We are an award winning, independent energy advice and training provider.
Transport Energy Management
Since 2005, AEMS have helped fleets reduce fuel costs by improving their performance in L/100km, L/Tonne or L/PAX.Km.
- Our award winning ECOfleet service is used by over 120 large fleets to save fuel and increase profit.
- Our award winning ECOdrive training and Train the Trainer programmes deliver sustained savings.
- Working with your managers, staff, operators and drivers, to reduce the amount of energy your business uses: Our structured approach optimises energy usage in your existing buildings, vehicles and equipment.
Do you trade across Europe?
- AEMS are founding member for Energy Efficiency Network Europe EENE in Ireland. EENE is a European partnership of leading energy efficiency firms and experts
Since 2006, the ‘ECO’ in our services stands for: Energy efficient, Continuous improvement, Objective measurement.
Established in January 2005, the company name was inspired by Neil Crofts’ book – ‘Authentic Business’. Now trading as Authentic Energy Management Services. Call us ‘AEMS’ for short. The dictionary definition of ‘authentic’; Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief. That matches our day-to-day ethos of objective measurement, with a proven structured approach to delivering savings in energy usage, carbon emissions and water.
Company 2005-2025
- 2025 Celebrating 20 years trading and helping fleets save money and CO2.
- 2020 Conor Molloy elected President AEE Ireland Chapter
- 2018 Climate Reality Leadership training with Al Gore in Berlin
- 2017 QQI Trainer
- 2016 Invited to speak at the Energy Institute – City of London and International Energy Agency – Paris
- 2015 Conor Molloy legally registered (EA10001) to complete energy audits in UK & Ireland.
- 2014 Elected Chair EU Transport Energy Management WG
- 2013 Leader for EN16247-Part 4 Energy Audit standard, Expert in IEE Panel in Brussels
- 2012 First road transport ISO50001; Winner ‘Best Service Provider’ Award Energy show
- 2011 Contributor to EU/CEN Energy Audit standard
- 2010 2 Energy Award Winning clients’
- 2009 SEAI Public Sector advisors
- 2007 SEAI SME Advisors & trainers
- 2006 First ECOdrive courses
- 2005 DLRECB Innovation Award for ECOfleet Exporting services to UK & Europe