Front cover of A 'light' guide to energy savings in transport

“A ‘Light’ Guide to Energy Savings in Transport” 

The EU mandatory threshold to identify energy savings opportunities (aka energy audits) is to reduce to 10Tj (2.8million litres of diesel eq.) with the adoption of the recast EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2024[1] i.e., the next EU corporate reporting round will bring many tens of thousands of organisations into the scope of transport energy audits to EN16247:2022 Parts 1 & 4 (transport).

So I am proud to see “A ‘Light’ Guide to Energy Savings in Transport”  hit the bookshops this week from River Publishers ( .

Sample Energy Action Plan, SEAI

This Energy Action Plan template is for developing a formal annual plan for implementing energy saving measures over a defined period. No longer available on the SEAI website (25/10/17)

Significant Energy User Tool, SEAI

This Significant Energy Users tool is for quantifying and analysing the energy consumption of the main energy-using plant, equipment, fixtures and fittings within the facilities. There is also a simplified …

Offices – Significant Energy User Tool, SEAI

This Significant Energy Users – Office Version tool is for quantifying and analysing the energy consumption of the main energy-using equipment found in typical office buildings. This tool is a …

Energy Bills Tracker Tool – Single Year, SEAI

This Energy Bills Tracker Tool (Single Year) is for recording and analysing energy consumption, energy costs, energy-related CO2 emissions and energy performance indicators on a monthly basis at facility level …

Energy Bills Tracker Tool – Multi year, SEAI

This Energy Bills Tracker tool is for recording and analysing energy consumption, energy costs, energy-related CO2 emissions and energy performance indicators on a monthly basis at facility level for up …

Energy Audit Handbook, SEAI

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has developed this comprehensive Energy Audit Handbook as a step-by-step guide to energy auditing. We believe it will benefit all organisations considering or carrying out an energy …