Front cover of A 'light' guide to energy savings in transport

“A ‘Light’ Guide to Energy Savings in Transport” 

The EU mandatory threshold to identify energy savings opportunities (aka energy audits) is to reduce to 10Tj (2.8million litres of diesel eq.) with the adoption of the recast EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2024[1] i.e., the next EU corporate reporting round will bring many tens of thousands of organisations into the scope of transport energy audits to EN16247:2022 Parts 1 & 4 (transport).

So I am proud to see “A ‘Light’ Guide to Energy Savings in Transport”  hit the bookshops this week from River Publishers ( .

HGV Fuel Consumption, White Paper, ICCT

LITERATURE REVIEW: Jan 2015 REAL-WORLD FUEL CONSUMPTION OF HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLES IN THE UNITED STATES, CHINA, AND THE EUROPEAN UNION This paper begins by presenting some summary data to describe the composition …