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- Create Date 27/11/2017
- Last Updated 29/11/2017
GHG Conversion Factors kWh, DEFR/DECC, UK
Welcome to the Government conversion factors for greenhouse gas reporting. These factors are suitable for use by UK based organisations of all sizes, and for international organisations reporting on UK operations.
Users of the conversion factors for company reporting should use the version of the factors that correlates with the data on which they are reporting. E.g. factors labelled as 2014 should be used for data from calendar year 2014. In the case that companies are reporting on an April to March year for example, the factors from the calendar year in which the greatest portion of their data falls should be applied. E.g. the 2014 factors should be applied to data in reporting year 01/04/14 – 31/03/15, the 2013 factors should have been applied to data in reporting year 01/04/13 – 31/03/14. Users that operate a July to June reporting year should apply the newest set of available factors.