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- Create Date 27/11/2017
- Last Updated 29/11/2017
Fuel Saving Devices Guide, Dept for Transport, UK
This Guide is designed to help. It is crammed full with practical tips to help you separate the
spurious from the genuine in fuel-saving claims.
It also gives plenty of advice on how to conduct proper tests, if you get to the stage where you
want to try a product out.
How to use this Guide
If you are considering investing in a fuel saving device, your evaluation should be a three step
process. This Guide is designed to give you advice at each stage:
STEP 1 Firstly, consider whether this is likely to be the most cost-effective way for you to
save fuel in your vehicles – see Section 2.
STEP 2 If you decide a product is worth investigating, try to understand how it is
likely to work and whether its claims for fuel saving can be trusted – see Section 3.
STEP 3 Still want to go ahead? Then think about how you’re going to test the product on
your vehicles – see Section 4.