Short Bio
Conor trains companies to maximise their energy performance, minimising emissions on the path to net-zero.
An Al Gore Climate Reality leader since 2018, Conor has been helping business save fuel and manage their energy use for profit and planet – to reduce their CO2/GHG emissions – since 2005.

Long bio
Conor Molloy MSc (energy) CEM-I CMVP
Accepted as a member of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), Freight Transport Association Ireland (FTAI), and the Efficiency Valuation Organisation (EVO). He is a registered energy auditor, qualified trainer and experienced facilitator.
In 2018 Conor was invited to join the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) expert panel based on his work as the designer and implementer of the EEOS funded ECOfleet programme, where over 100 Irish freight operators can now get paid for their fuel and CO2 savings (2014-2030) see also
A past president of the Association of Energy Engineers Ireland Chapter 2020-23; Conor is an independent energy advisor with an MSc in Energy Management and Renewable energy from University of Ulster, he is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Measurement & Verification professional (CMVP) and qualified trainer (QQI) for Climate Action, Transport and ISO50001.
An experienced facilitator, he has trained EU and Member State Officials, over 250 Lead Assessors in Transport Energy Auditing for ESOS (UK) and across the EU, led the publication of EN 16247-4 Europe’s transport energy audit standard and contributed to ISO50004 – the original guide to ISO50001.
The greenest, most profitable energy is the energy you do not use – authentic solutions 2006 (now AEMS).
- 2017 QQI Level 6 train the trainer qualified
- 2015 Registered Energy Auditor #10001 for the Republic of Ireland
- 2014 CEM Certified Energy Manager No.92836 (AEE Assoc. of Energy Engineers)
- 2011 CMVP Certified Measurement & Verification Professional No.1536 (IPMVP)
- 2010 MSc Energy Management & Renewables from the University of Ulster
- 20 years full-time energy management services experience (2005-2025)
- Specialised in transport, recognised national expert in EU, UK and Ireland
- 250+ site, fleet and transport energy audits completed from diamond factories to bakeries.
- Has trained 250+ experienced energy auditors in doing transport energy audits.
- Multiple Irish and multi-national client companies certified to ISO50001.
- Trains for Irish Exporters Association, CIF, Amtivo, Sustineo, PAI and SEAI
Member of:
- AEE – Association of Energy Engineers
- FTAI – Freight Transport Association Ireland
- CILT – Chartered Institute of Transport & Logistics
- ZEMO – formerly LowCVP – UK Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership from its foundation
20 years energy saving services for business
- 2024 EU LIFE funded REEvalue project to get SMEs to act on their energy audits (Malta, Portugal, Italy, Cork)
- 2023 A ‘Light’ Guide to Energy Savings in Transport published May, see ISBN: 9788770227148
- EU Concerted Action – Madrid (Mutual Recognition of Energy Experts)
- 2022 Multiple carbon literacy, sustainable logistics and 50001 programmes now under way
- 2021 First public Carbon Basics courses for SEAI (co-developed with Raoul Empey)
- 2020 100+fleets in ECOfleet programme .
- Sustainable Logistics funded by Enterprise Ireland.
- Developed and delivered Ireland study tour on transport EU Concerted Action
- Developed and delivered online training to certification for CE, PAI, SEAI, SFC
- 2019 Invited back to Malta to provide ECOdrive train the trainer
- Invited back to EU Concerted Action for Energy Efficiency Directive Art.7 and 8 Helsinki March 2019 to present workshop on transport and freight (slides).
- Invited to Energy Community (Vienna) to present on same
- Localised and delivered first Smart Transport Manager Training in EU (Feb’19)
- Invited back to EU Concerted Action for Energy Efficiency Directive Art.7 and 8 Helsinki March 2019 to present workshop on transport and freight (slides).
- 2018 Invited on to Global Logistics Emissions Council expert panel
- 2018 Completed Climate Reality Leadership programme with Al Gore Berlin (July)
- 2017 Trained 25 Energy Auditors for Maltese government (road, marine and air)
- ECOfleet and ECOdrive online apps launched to improve customer support
- QQI Level 6 Train the Trainer passed with Distinction March-April’17
- 2016 Invited to speak at:
- Energy Institute, City of London
- International Energy Agency – Paris
- AEE – Washington
- Chaired ISO50001UK
- 2015 Conor Molloy trains 150 (now over 250) UK ESOS Lead Assessors with AEE
- at request of UK Environment Agency in transport energy auditing (TEA)
- 2014 AEMS (ISO50001 and ECOfleet) 50% funded by EI for export clients
- 2013 Elected chair EU CEN CENELEC Transport Energy Management WG
- EN 16247-4 Energy Audit standard publication led by Conor Molloy
- ECOfleet customers save 12,000t CO2 / 4,000,000L
- 2012 National Expert on ISO50004 – TC242
- World first; transport operator (buses) client ISO50001 certified
- 2011 ‘Best Service Provider’ Award
- Contributor to EU Transport Energy Audit Standard EN16247-4
- 2010 2 Energy Award Winning clients (first ever in transport)
- 2009 SEAI Public Sector advisors (reappointed 2010 to 2025)
- 2008 Transport EnergyMAP developed and delivered
- 2007 SEAI Advisors & trainers (reappointed every year to 2025)
- 2006 ECOfleet wins County Enterprise Board Innovation Award
- 2005 Exporting to UK (telematics, emissions mgmt., systems development)
Prior to setting up authentic/AEMS, Conor worked at a number of internet start-ups including WS2 (which became Fleetmatics now Verizon), a cryptography chip designer funded by Intel, headed Corel Corporation’s worldwide eBusiness Division, and was elected chair of the Business Software Alliance in 1999-2000.
In the 1990’s he founded and grew Ireland’s first digital imaging wholesale distributor out of Kodak’s Digital Imaging Division, where Conor was one of the first 50 employees worldwide, having joined from Kodak Business Imaging dealing with large corporates using mainframes and high speed high volume document processing.
Married with three adult children, Conor enjoys cycling sportifs and chasing fast jets for photographic purposes.