Over the last 15 years AEMS have developed and deployed a number of tools to support out work in Transport Energy Management.

In 2018 we started to make these tools available to trainees on our courses; in January 2019 we are making these tools available to all on a paid basis.

  1. Before & after; allows energy professionals quickly and easily see the fuel and emissions savings before and after new vehicles are added to the fleet.
    • First vehicle check is free, simply enter the registration number of the old retired vehicle (before) and the registration number of the new (after) vehicle.
    • Enter the annual mileage (in km) and number of years the vehicle is expect to be on the fleet to see the life cycle savings
  2. ECOfleet; our platform for managing large numbers of fleets’ action plans and savings calculations
  3. ECOdrive; our platform for capturing fuel savings results from driver trainers in-vehicle, issuing certificates to drivers and managing training records.

If you would like to test or see a demo of any of these tools please call us on 01 230 5018